Last updated on November 23rd, 2018
Financial help military families – resources for Reservists, service members, and veterans
First, if you are in a military family, I want to thank you for your service to our country and the world. Second, I can relate to your sacrifices and struggles as I am a third generation military service member. It is an honor to serve. The following are some resources I gathered to help with family finances for the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines.
Financial help charities and organizations
The following organizations offer financial assistance:
American Red Cross may offer emergency financial assistance to a family about to have gas shut-off, or needing to travel to bury their loved service member. (casualty travel assistance program)
American Legion – Family Support Network (800-504-4098)
Armed Forces Reserve Family Assistance Fund – Help for financial emergencies while Soldier is deployed.
Fallen Patriot Fund – Financial grants to families of KIA/seriously wounded OIF vets.
Folded Flag Foundation – scholarships for Gold Star family children
Food Assistance/Food Pantries in Hampton Roads area – Foreclosure prevention assistance
Hope Now (Foreclosure prevention assistance)
Last Wish Foundation children (Provides financial gifts to minor children of KIA Soldiers)
Modest Needs – Case-by-case help for low-income families
USA Cares “Assistance that keeps the lights on, the home warm and the primary family car in the driveway.” (If you are an OIF/OEF veteran, they may be able to offer help for mortgage payments, etc. to families with financial hardship.)
Christian Organizations promoting good financial stewardship
Dave Ramsey – The Truth About Budgeting
Financial Help Educational Websites
MilCents from Military Family Advisory Network
National Foundation for Credit Counseling
SEC investor help for military (Investment info)
Government Financial Help Military Families Resources
Home loans from Veterans Administration – Vet loans are exempt from down payments.
Military home front (Select ‘troops and families’)
Find a Family Assistance Center near you using Joint Service Support
Additional Government resources for military service members and their families
Help with financial stewardship
Additional Various Good Resources: to find local services and get help today with help from the United Way.
Hampton Roads assistance from Christian charities Guard and Reserve Family Support Services
United Service Organizations (USO) 855-838-8255, 24/7/365 including holidays and weekends for service members and their families. There is no “press one” or being on hold for an extended period of time. An actual veteran will answer the phone call.
Finally, Soldiers or military family members can call military one source for financial help anytime day or night for any issue whatsoever at 800-342-9647 or visit Military One Source Ask if there is a ‘personal financial consultant’ in your area. PFCs offer free consultation and unbiased advice for virtually any financial matter.
I pray the above financial help military families resources help you.
Lastly, if you know of any good resources, please comment and share them here.